

    The ZenSearch Elevator Pitch

    How we can help you in 20 or 30 seconds


    I've been struggling with my ZenSearch elevator pitch.

    Specifically, my answer when people ask how ZenSearch is different from LinkedIn and other job boards.

    I typically stumble around before launching into a way too long response, highlighting every benefit we offer. People begin to glaze over, but I feel unable to stop until I've talked about every. single. feature.

    It’s more than people want to know at first, and it fails to convey the purpose, the spirit, the why.

    Last Thursday night, my co-founder Matt and I attended the Boston Founder's Forum networking event.

    He claimed to be "not good at networking" and I had to convince him to come. I'm so happy he did, because when we debriefed the next morning he'd come up with two concise and resonant ways to explain our value prop.

    • We're not trying to help people find a job, we're trying to help them find the job.
    • Our goal is to make every job you see on ZenSearch one you'd want to apply to.

    While I like (and will probably use) both of these, I love the second one!

    When I was job searching, I spent countless hours doom-scrolling through endless lists of jobs, finding nothing I was excited about. Frustratingly, I followed links to jobs "suggested for me" that didn't vaguely match the criteria I'd asked for. Ugh.

    Since ZenSearch ( shows you only jobs that match your preferences, EVERY job matches what you're looking for, making them all great ones to apply to! Be as selective or flexible as you choose, it's your job seeking experience.

    So the next time you see me, ask me what makes ZenSearch special...I'm prepared!