New Features
Job Matching
Released This Week - March 26th
Adding new companies to diversify the jobs you see
We're continuously working to improve your experience on ZenSearch. We've rolled out a couple of updates the past few weeks that we think you'll love.
New Company Preferences
You can now select which companies you want to get notified about. Whether you want to receive updates from your favorite companies only or all companies, the choice is yours.
More Features
- Free users can now add up to three companies as favorites.
- We've added a company size preference to help you narrow down your searches.
- We now have over 170,000 open postings at over 6,000 companies.
- ZenSearch has a new referral program! Refer a friend and both of you get $5 in credits towards your premium subscriptions.
We hope these updates enhance your job search experience on Zen.
We value your feedback and suggestions. Give us feedback.
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